Trunk or Treat 2022

On Friday, October 28th, Holy Family held its third annual Trunk or Treat Halloween event. After enjoying the benefits of using the parish hall in 2021 due to inclement weather, organizers decided to host the event this year indoors. Trick or treaters from the parish and community visited decorated displays and enjoyed receiving candy and other treats. For more information about activities for children at Holy Family, please contact Children’s Ministry Director Jolene Johnston.
View photos from Trunk or Treat 2022 HERE.
Playground Dedication
On Sunday, October 23rd, Holy Family dedicated its new playground to the memory of a beloved former parishioner, and Hannah Chapter Daughters of the King member, Elaine Pickens. Holy Family thanks Larry and Bridget Pickens for their generous donation to this meaningful project.
View more photos from the playground dedication HERE.
Kindness Rocks Walk 2022

On Sunday, October 9th, members of Holy Family’s Children’s Ministry and Youth Group programs held their first Kindness Rocks Walk. Kindness rocks are small rocks painted with characters or words of encouragement and hidden in public places for people to find and enjoy. Students painted their Kindness Rocks during the Sunday school kickoff carnival in September.
Participants met at the old train station in downtown Fishers and walked the Nickel Plate Trail that runs behind the church. They started with the Hiker’s Prayer, deposited Kindness Rocks along the trail, peeked through the treeline at Holy Family, then finished with a prayer for the community. For more information about activities at Holy Family for children and youth, please contact the program directors.
Children’s Ministry – Jolene Johnston
Youth Group – Ruth Everett
View photos from the Kindness Rocks Walk HERE.
The Hiker’s Prayer
Thank you God for the rising sun.
You’ve granted me another day.
Your grace is amazing; bless you faithful Lord.
The creation sings your praise, and I join the sound.
Heal my tired soul; restore my aching bones.
Lead each step along my path today.
Ease my burdens as I press forward.
Quench my thirst with your living streams.
Like the cool morning breeze, your peace refreshes me.
Steady me on the slippery slopes.
Release me from the ropes that bind me, that hold me back.
Protect me from the viper that hides.
Lift me up from this shadowy valley.
The peak is almost in sight. I am rising above this world.
Into your country, I long to go.
Bless my companions who travel with me.
The trail is rugged and narrow, but you are right beside me.
Thank you God, my trusted Guide.
Glory to your holy name. Amen.
You’ve granted me another day.
Your grace is amazing; bless you faithful Lord.
The creation sings your praise, and I join the sound.
Heal my tired soul; restore my aching bones.
Lead each step along my path today.
Ease my burdens as I press forward.
Quench my thirst with your living streams.
Like the cool morning breeze, your peace refreshes me.
Steady me on the slippery slopes.
Release me from the ropes that bind me, that hold me back.
Protect me from the viper that hides.
Lift me up from this shadowy valley.
The peak is almost in sight. I am rising above this world.
Into your country, I long to go.
Bless my companions who travel with me.
The trail is rugged and narrow, but you are right beside me.
Thank you God, my trusted Guide.
Glory to your holy name. Amen.