Walking Through Lent: Nickel Plate, Part 2

Holy Family held its final Lenten weekly hike as part of the 2021 Walking Through Lent series. This week the walkers traveled the new Nickel Plate Trail, using the same trail where the program began back in February. Special thanks to Holy Family parishioner Bob Murray for organizing this Lenten series.
View more pictures from this walk HERE.
Youth Group Campfire Compline
On Sunday evening, the Holy Family youth group met in person to share in evening prayer together. Socially-distanced and wearing masks, the youth and adults sat around the fire and brought a beautiful day to an end with Compline. Deacon Cathy Scott came back to visit and discussed new beginnings. Inspired by her trip to Iona, she utilized rocks to show the release of burdens and welcome positivity into their lives. The group was also able to witness the start of a beautiful sunset and also watch a fox wander through the outdoor worship area. For more information about Youth Group, contact Director, Ruth Everett, at youthministry@hfec.org.
For more photos from the Campfire Compline, please click HERE.
Walking Through Lent: Holland Park

Holy Family continued weekly hikes as part of the 2021 Walking Through Lent series. This week the walkers traveled the paths at Holland Park. The walks continue next week, meeting at the Holy Family parking lot at 10 AM on Saturday, March 27th. All are welcome!
View more pictures from this walk HERE.
Walking Through Lent: Heritage Park
Holy Family continued weekly hikes as part of the 2021 Walking Through Lent series. This week the walkers traveled the paths at Heritage Park at White River. The walks continue next week, meeting at Holland Park at 10 AM on Saturday, March 20th. All are welcome!