Greening the Church 2015
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On Sunday, December 20th, Ho;y Family congregation members gathered for our annual Greening of the Church event. Members of all ages decked the halls in preparation for Christmas services.

Holy Family was treated to festive holiday music while they worked provided by the Hamilton Southeastern High School saxophone quartet. Following the decorating, our Brotherhood of St. Andrew chapter hosted dinner for everyone who attended as a thank you for their hard work.

View time-lapsed footage (with music) of our greening event here:
Candy Cane Evangelism
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In our final intergenerational Advent Sunday school gathering this year, Deacon Cathy Scott engaged children and adults in a discussion about evangelism.

Following the story, participants created welcome bundles for family and friends that include a packet of hot cocoa, a candy cane, and a postcard with Christmas service times. The bundles were distributed to families during the 10 AM service to invite others to spend Christmas with our Holy Family.

Gratitude Lunch
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On December 17th, Holy Family hosted a luncheon for all the construction workers who have made our City of God grow. More information about our City of God project can be found HERE.

Junior Daughter Cookie Exchange

Our newest class of prospective Junior Daughters of the King recently began their prayer study. Following the session, all current Junior Daughters joined the new class with their mothers to enjoy a Christmas cookie exchange. Please pray for all of these young women and their families as they continue their journey toward becoming Junior Daughters of the King.
Ugly Sweater Sunday 2015

Holy Family held its first Ugly Sweater Sunday and encouraged all members to wear their finest holiday wear. Winners were crowned in categories including Best Children’s Sweater, Best Homemade Sweater, Noisiest Sweater, and Best (Worst?) Ugly Sweater Overall. Additional photos of more ugly sweaters can be seen by clicking HERE.
Twelve Ways of Giving
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During our 9 AM Christian education hour, we gathered everyone together for an intergenerational approach to Advent. First, we heard a reading of The Legend of St. Nicholas: A Story of Christmas Giving by Dandi Daley Mackall. Then our Youth Group members presented a comical rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Our participants divided into three groups and brainstormed “ways of giving” in honor of St. Nicholas. They were encouraged to think about ways to “be present” in the lives of friends and family as well as ways of physically giving money or other items.
The ideas were compiled into a convenient handout that was distributed to families following the 10 AM service. Children were also offered a chocolate coin in honor of St. Nicholas. For more information about our youth or adult Christian programming, please contact Jolene Johnston.