Community Solidarity Gathering

The Reverend Bruce W. Gray spoke at tonight’s Community Solidarity Gathering at Congregation Shaarey Tefilla in Carmel after recent vandalization. The following is the text of Father Bruce’s presentation.

I greet you tonight on behalf of Episcopalians throughout the Indianapolis region and beyond.

One of the privileges and opportunities human beings receive when each of us is created is to participate in the divine task of growing day by day in our awareness of how interconnected we all are. We all, every one of us, are created in the divine image, and given the holy task of loving each other, both people seemingly different from ourselves and those apparently more similar.

Yet too often people resist this awareness through various means, such as labeling and persecution. In those moments human desires for superiority over others try to overwhelm the divine truth of the wholeness of creation and the oneness of all people. These types of behaviors seek to divide us, to deny the holy bonds that exist among us all. As a Christian, I have a responsibility to especially respond to attitudes, actions, and words of Anti Semitism, since too often Christian texts and institutions have been used to justify the creation and propagation of Anti-Semitism. Millions have died as a result, and so I must explicitly say, and pray for “no more.”

No more hatred. No more destruction. No more violence.

But to simply say and pray it is not enough.


I offer to you all the promise that I, and so many others, will hold and uphold the divine truth that we all, all people, are one, equally loved and cared for by God. And we all stand in solidarity tonight, and will continue to do so, facing together the people in this world who desire our division from one another and want to hear fear in our voices. Instead, we vocalize holy solidarity, divine courage, and blessed joy.

Newsletter: July 26, 2018

Holy Family newsletter: July 26, 2018

Newsletter: July 19, 2018

Holy Family newsletter: July 19, 2018

Newsletter: July 12, 2018

Holy Family newsletter: July 12, 2018

Cookout, Campout, and Fireworks

On Saturday, June 30th, the Holy Family Brotherhood of St. Andrew chapter hosted its first cookout, campout, and fireworks viewing celebration. The event took advantage of Holy Family’s location in the Nickel Plate District with ample parking near the new Spark!Fishers Fourth of July celebration. The Brotherhood hosted a pitch-in picnic. Following dinner, many participants walked up Fishers Pointe Blvd. to watch the festival parade. The evening continued with a campfire on the church grounds, offered comfortable fireworks viewing, and provided camping amenities for those who wanted to stay overnight. On Sunday morning, coffee and donuts were available to early risers prior to the 8 AM worship service. For more information about Holy Family’s social gatherings, please contact the church office. 

Newsletter: July 5, 2018

Holy Family newsletter: July 5, 2018

Softball Season 2018

Holy Family’s softball team finished its first summer church-league season in second place. The team was filled with members of Holy Family’s congregation as well as friends and family members. The team shared fitness, faith, and fellowship with a variety of churches in the area. For more information about Holy Family’s softball team, please contact Father Bruce.
Coach Stephen Canter

Confirmation Celebration 2018

On Sunday, July 1st, Holy Family recognized its 2018 Confirmands with a blessing during the 10 AM worship service. The blessing was given by Holy Family’s rector, the Reverend Bruce W. Gray. Additional information about the sacrament of Confirmation was presented by Holy Family’s Deacon, The Reverend Cathy Scott, and Confirmation teacher, Bob Murray (pictured above).
Following the service, a reception was held in their honor. Each Confirmand was presented with a certificate and Book of Common Prayer signed by The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis. For more information about being Confirmed in, Received in, or Reaffirmed to the Episcopal Church, please contact Father Bruce.
2018 Confirmands (from left to right)::
Sarah Cleaver, Shannon Luce,
Chris Brown, Eliza Wilson, and Thomas Canter

Newsletter: June 28, 2018

Holy Family newsletter: June 28, 2018

Newsletter: June 21, 2018

Holy Family newsletter: June 21, 2018