Gospel at Hogwarts 2018

Holy Family invited children of all ages to enjoy an adventure of discipleship to uncover the Gospel at Hogwarts. Scripture passages included The Wedding Feast at Cana, The Parable of the Sower, and the Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy. This multigenerational adventure took place on November 17, 2018 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Led by House prefects, guests attended a variety of classes at Hogwarts including Herbology and Potions, played a rousing game of Quidditch, and shared fellowship with treats in the Great Hall.
View photos from the 2018 Gospel at Hogwarts HERE.
This was the second annual Hogwarts event at Holy Family. View photos from Holy Family’s 2017 Gospel at Hogwarts by clicking HERE. Contact Children’s Ministry Director Jolene Johnston for more information. jjohnston@hfec.org
Ingathering Sunday 2018

Holy Family offered to God its hopes, dreams, and financial pledges on Sunday, October 28th. Holy Family’s Celebrating Generosity stewardship efforts coninue as pledges for the 2019 operating budget are turned into the church office. Pledges may be made online by clicking HERE. Please contact the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org
Pastoral Response to Fishers Shooting Deaths

In response to Wednesday’s shooting in Fishers, Deacon Cathy Scott, who is certified in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, will lead a crisis response session for teachers, school staff, teenagers, and parents Sunday, October 28th at 11:30 AM in the Youth Room. For any other adults touched by this tragedy, Fr. Bruce will facilitate a similar conversation also at 11:30 AM Sunday in the parish hall. The Rev Cathy Gray, who has years of experience working with pre-teens, will be available for conversations at 11:30. Childcare will be available.
If any individuals or families wish more private time with Bruce (bgray@hfec.org), Cathy Scott (cscott@hfec.org) or Cathy Gray, please do not hesitate to contact them. Our prayers and sympathy go out to all directly and indirectly affected by this violence and its aftermath.