New Rector Welcome

The Reverend Bruce W. Gray
In February 2018 Holy Family’s rector search committee presented a recommendation to the vestry. Following prayerful discussion, the vestry voted to call the Reverend Bruce W. Gray as Holy Family’s next rector. It is with great joy that we announce that Father Bruce has accepted his call to new ministry. Father Bruce brings with him many years of experience as a parish priest as well as serving for nine years as Canon to the Ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis. Find out more about Father Bruce by clicking HERE.

Cathy Gray
On Sundays April 8th and 15th, Father Bruce will be featured during our 9:00 AM Adult Forum sessions. You can ask him any questions you like, and he will be prepared to offer a brief autobiography as well. Father Bruce is also available for individual and family visits, in homes, Starbucks, the church, or wherever you would like to meet. He can be contacted at
Please come worship with us,
join us for fellowship,
and get to know Father Bruce
as he becomes part of our #holyvillage.
Farewell, Father Larry
The service of priests like Father Larry often goes under-appreciated as his time could be viewed as a stop gap, a lull, or a period we all just look beyond. However, I believe that his time with us was anything but that. I hope that during these past five months he has empowered you, shown you a different perspective and style, and prepared you for the next phase of our journey together. Father Larry did far more than fill in the gap. He shared with us deep and thoughtful sermons, he was provided the opportunity to really get to know us and serve with us personally, and he continued to challenge the way we had grown accustomed to. No, he wasn’t just a fill-in priest at all. He has become another part of our history which has made us who we are today and has helped prepare us for who we are to become.

Spruce Up For Spring!
Girl Scout Sunday 2018

Youth Retreat Spring 2018

Miracle Place – Making a Difference
Sister Barb McClelland (Miracle Place) and Matthew Johnston