Youth Group Teambuilding: Spider Web
Fourteen members of Holy Family’s Youth Group gathered on Sunday, October 22nd for a chili dinner followed by team building activities and worship. The chosen activity was “Spider Web” and is part of Mobile Team Challenge low ropes course which was purchased with YMGI grant funds, matched by HFEC YG fundraising and the Diocese of Indianapolis. With Halloween just a week away, the theme had the perfect seasonal nod.
In the activity, participants must traverse a “toxic spider web” without knocking it down. Team members must strategize and plan to develop the best approach for completing the task. The exercise requires support for all team members and physical effort and leadership from each person. Communication and trust are essential for successful completion. The youth made connections from this activity to their own faith journeys.
Following the activity, the attendees participated in Compline led by Thomas Canter and music worship led by Ian Johnston. Youth group members closed out the evening by making s’mores on a charcoal grill. The activities were led by Marty Blake and Jolene Johnston. For more information about Holy Family’s Youth Group, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake.

Youth Group Fall Campout

Eight members of Holy Family’s Youth Group and four adult chaperones went on an overnight camping expedition to McCormick’s Creek State Park. Youth enjoyed hiking in McCormick’s Creek canyon and waterfall area and the Wolf Cave nature preserve. The youth also spent some time participating in team building activities. Additionally, the youth cooked two meals over a fire. The participants also shared Compline by campfire and held Morning prayer by the fire as well. More information about Holy Family’s Youth Group can be obtained by contacting Youth Director Marty Blake.
CLICK HERE to view more photos from the Youth Group campout.
Flowers for Friends

Members of Holy Family’s Youth Group recently visited the Hamilton Trace Assisted Living facility in Fishers. Students met with residents and delivered flowers to those who wanted them. (To maintain the privacy of residents, we only post photos of our youth.)
This trip was inspired by an impromptu visit to an assisted living facility while on their 2017 summer mission trip in TN. For more information about Holy Family’s Youth Group or outreach programs, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake.
Pet Blessing 2017

Furry friends of all sizes gathered at Holy Family today for a pet blessing offered by our transitional rector, The Reverend Tanya Beck. More photos can be viewed by clicking HERE.
Welcome, Reverend Tanya
As part of our rector search process, Holy Family welcomed the Reverend Tanya Vonnegut Beck today as our transitional rector. We are blessed to share in her forty years of pastoral care, preaching, and service to others.

Reverend Tanya also shared a special moment with some of the children at Holy Family. Following the combined worship service at 10 AM, our congregation members shared a pitch-in picnic in the parish hall. For more information about Holy Family’s search process can be found by clicking HERE.

Faith Journey Pipe & Helium Stick
Holy Family’s Youth Group recently met for its September dinner and teambuilding session. Youth participated in “faith journey pipe” where a small bead had to be transported through a 1/2 inch pvc pipe in two five-foot sections without making contact with the ground. The bead represents the fast and slow times of life and the need to have others around you to get you to the goal through love and support.

Helium stick is a team building activity in which participants are challenged to suspend a 10 foot section of pipe using only two fingers and lower it to the ground without losing contact with the pipe. The urge to raise the pipe (temptation) is overpowering and the group must work as a team to achieve the goal relying on solid communication, positive affirmation, and mental agility. Following the teambuilding activities, the youth closed the evening by participating in Compline worship together.
Holy Family’s youth meet for Sunday school each week at 9 AM and once each month on Sunday evenings for dinner, fellowship, and teambuilding activities. For more information on Holy Family’s youth programs, please contact Director Marty Blake.