Consecration of Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows


Today we celebrated the ordination and consecration of Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis. The event was attended by nearly two thousand people at Clowe’s Memorial Hall at Butler University. Various readings and hymns were presented in English and Spanish. Bishop Jennifer is the 1,100th Bishop to be ordained in the Episcopal Church. Rt. Rev. Catherine Waynick, 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis, presented Bishop Jennifer with the Diocesan crosier (pastoral staff.)
The homily was given by the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee, 12th Bishop of the Diocese of Chicago. Bishop Lee was the original church planter for Holy Family in Fishers and warmly addressed the parish in his opening remarks.
The chief consecrator for the ordination was The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. You may view the video of the entire consecration celebration by clicking here. Additional photos from the event can be seen here. For more information about the Diocese of Indianapolis, please visit the Diocesan website.

Celebrating Our Companion Diocese in Brasilia

Pictured from left to right: Bryan Luce (Global Missions Ministry representative from Holy Family), Ben Paden (Senior Warden), The Reverend Cathy Scott (Deacon), Rt. Reverend Mauricio Andrade and Sandra Andrade (Diocese of Brasilia), and The Reverend Jeff Bower.
We have prayed for our companion Diocese of Brasilia for many years. Thursday evening at Holy Family was spent meeting with Bishop Mauricio Andrade and his wife Sandra from Brasilia. They shared their story of faith along with successes and challenges with their new Diocese and were warmly received by many of our parishioners. We received a gracious invitation to visit them soon as well. Many thanks to all who assisted in helping make for a wonderful and enriching evening building new relationships. More information about the Diocese of Brasilia can be found by clicking HERE.   – Bryan Luce, Global Missions Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis representative

Newsletter: April 27, 2017

Holy Family newsletter: April 27, 2017

Thank You, Father Steve

Holy Family extends heartfelt thanks to the Reverend Steven Giovangelo for serving with us throughout Lent and for Easter. Father Steve generously donated a beautiful icon of the Holy Family to its members and blessed it during his final service on Sunday.
Following the 10 AM service we honored Father Steve with refreshments and fellowship. Pictured above: Ben Paden (Senior Warden), Father Steve, Deacon Cathy Scott.

Newsletter: April 20, 2017

Holy Family newsletter: April 20, 2017

Easter Sunday 2017

But chiefly are we bound to praise thee for the glorious resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord; for he is the very Paschal Lamb, who was sacrificed for us, and hath taken away the sin of the world; who by his death hath destroyed death, and by his rising to life again hath won for us everlasting life.
View more photos from Easter Sunday by clicking HERE

Easter Vigil 2017

O God, through your Son you have bestowed upon your people the brightness of your light: Sanctify this new fire, and grant that in this Paschal feast we may so burn with heavenly desires, that with pure minds we may attain to the festival of everlasting light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The light of Christ. Thanks be to God.

May Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and bestowed upon us the forgiveness of sins, keep us in eternal life by his grace, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen


View our entire Easter Vigil service by clicking HERE.



Good Friday 2017


We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.




If we have died with him, we shall also live with him;

if we endure, we shall also reign with him.

View our entire Good Friday service
by clicking HERE



Maundy Thursday 2017


The Lord Jesus, after he had supped with his disciples and
had washed their feet, said to them, “Do you know what I,
your Lord and Master, have done to you? I have given you
an example, that you should do as I have done.”


“I give you a new commandment:
Love one another as I have loved you.”



When the hour had come for him to be glorified by you, his heavenly Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end; at supper with them he took bread, and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, “Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”
After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and said, “Drink this, all of you: This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”
Setting the Altar of Repose

Newsletter: April 13, 2017

Holy Family newsletter: April 13, 2017