Youth Group Leadership Development
Six members of HFEC youth group and two invited guests gathered for a pizza dinner and leadership development activities Sunday night. The leadership activities were part of Mobile Team Challenge low ropes course. Mobile Team Challenge was purchased for HFEC youth group to use for leadership development with the grant funds provided by Youth Mission Grant Initiative (YMGI). The equipment will be used by the youth group for meetings, lock-ins, and mission trips, including the upcoming trip to Johnson City, Tennessee in July. The eight youth participated in four different activities facilitated by youth leaders Marty Blake and Jolene Johnston. The core focus of these activities is to develop our youth through mind, body, and spirit. For more information about Holy Family’s youth group activities, please contact Youth Director Marty Blake.

Hero Central VBS 2017

In early June, Holy Family welcomed children to this year’s Vacation Bible School program. Children discovered their strength in God through our “Hero Central” theme. Each day included a bible story, crafts, outdoor games, music, science activities, and a snack. We are grateful for the hard work and dedication of VBS leader Kristine Canter as well as our adults and youth leaders. More photos of our Hero Central VBS are available by clicking HERE. Please contact Children’s Ministry Director Jolene Johnston at for more information about Children’s Ministry at Holy Family.
Pentecost 2017
On Saturday, June 3rd, Holy Family held it’s annual Pentecost celebration. This year our prayer service was organized by our own Deacon Cathy Scott. Music was provided by the youth of Holy Family led by guitarist Connor Wilson.
The Pentecost prayer service was held in our outdoor chapel. It was a hot day – we certainly felt the heat of the Holy Spirit!
An unusual feature of this year’s service was the reading of a portion of Acts 2 in multiple languages. Readers, shown above, were Jolene Johnston (Polish), Dan Chillemi (Spanish), Ian Johnston (French), Bob Murray (Italian), and Kristine Canter (German.)
Following the prayer service we held our traditional “Tongues of Fire” pitch-in picnic with entree items grilled by members of our Brotherhood of St. Andrew chapter. Families enjoyed the beautiful weather, played frisbee, and kids jumped in the bounce house. It was an incredible day of food, fellowship, and the fire of the Holy Spirit. For more information about upcoming events at Holy Family, please contact our church office.