Landscape: Day of Service

As the final piece of our City of God expansion project, Fishers Boy Scout Troop 199 held a day of service in early October to install landscaping on the church grounds. Scouts, adult leaders, and families spent 300 man hours installing plants, mulch, and stone on the property under the leadership of Mark Keys. Allisonville Nursery provided the landscape design and planting materials for the project. Holy Family wishes to extend sincerest thanks and appreciation to Troop 199, Allisonville Nursery, and all who helped make this project such a success.

Haiti Update: Hurricane Matthew

On Thursday afternoon. October 6th, Father Mike was able to contact Father Jean Michelin in Haiti. Father Michelin and his family are safe following Hurricane Matthew, but there have been some deaths and injuries sustained among the parishioners of the seven churches he serves. At the time of our communication, they were still assessing the damage.
Father Michelin reports that a number of his schools were significantly damaged, including reports of some damage to the St. Andre School in Mithon, which was built by the Diocese of Indianapolis. Father Michelin has sent several photos of school damage. Father Michelin has asked for our prayers as they assess damage and begin recovery efforts.

Youth Fall Conference Registration

To register for the conference, click on the link(s) below, print, and submit your registration form(s) to the Diocese. Youth forms must be signed by the Youth Director, youth leader, or clergy from your church before mailing.
Second Helpings
On Sunday, September 25th, Holy Family welcomed two representatives from Second Helpings in Indianapolis. Nora Spitznogle, Director of Programs (shown at left), and Adriane Rios, Manager of Volunteer Services, led our Christian formation hour for adults and all children and youth in second grade and higher.
Each day, Second Helpings volunteers and staff rescue prepared and perishable food from wholesalers, retailers and restaurants — preventing unnecessary waste. That rescued food is used to create 4,000 hot, nutritious meals each day that are distributed to 80 social service agencies that feed people in need. The Second Helpings Culinary Job Training program trains disadvantaged adults for careers in the food service industry. This helps eliminate hunger at its source. More than 600 adults have graduated from this program, and Second Helpings alumni are now working in Central Indiana as cooks, executive chefs, business owners and culinary instructors.
During the presentation, Holy Family congregation members were introduced to the services provided by Second Helpings and suggested potential new ways that they may connect in order to offer support.

During the month of September, Holy Family congregation members collected pasta and spices to donate to Second Helpings. The donated items, as well as those who work with Second Helpings, were blessed by Father Mike during our 10 AM service. For more information about Second Helpings, please visit their website.