Acolyte Training 2015

Following the 10 AM service on Sunday, acolyte leader Joe Spangler and Father Mike led a training session for new and returning acolytes. Following the session, everyone was invited to share in a pizza lunch. If you or your child is interested in serving as an acolyte, please contact the church office.

Pet Blessing 2015

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Pets 2015
Today on a sunny Sunday afternoon, Father Mike blessed many of the pets of Holy Family members and nearby neighbors. This year’s liturgy hosted dogs and cats. Pet blessings are typically held in early October in honor of St. Francis, patron saint of animals and the environment. Several conflicts pushed our event later in the fall.
Sabrina 2

Anniversary Gift from the Vatican

Vatican gift
Fr. Mike and his family gathered at the 10:00 service on October 18th to bless a new chalice and paten into service at Holy Family.  The set was presented as a gift to the parish by the Galvin family.  During Fr. Mike’s sabbatical this past summer, he and daughter Kelsey made a pilgrimage to the Vatican in Rome.  While there, they purchased the set as a gift celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Holy Family Episcopal Church.  (Pictured from left; Rachelle, Kelsey, Abby and Fr. Mike Galvin)​

Making Way for Change

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Pack 6
This weekend a crew of volunteers from the congregation shared their helping hands and happy hearts to pack and move items out of our education wing in preparation for construction in that area. In typical Holy Family fashion, even the kids got involved and were very helpful with moving and lifting items. Thank you to everyone who came out to clear the classrooms in record time. More information about our City of God expansion project can be found by clicking HERE.
Pack 1   Pack 4Pack 5Pack 3Pack 2

Pastor Appreciation

Pastor cake
For Pastor Appreciation Sunday we celebrated Father Mike and Deacon Cathy with cake and lots of hugs. Bless you for your ministry and dedication!
Pastor cake only

2015 Diocesan Convention

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Convention 1
Youth Delegate Ethan Everett, Holy Family Delegate Ellen Everett,Father Michael Galvin, Holy Family Delegate Patrick Burke   
The 178th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, Part Two of a two-part convention this year, was held on October 23-24 at the Wyndham Indianapolis West, hosted by St. John’s , Speedway. More information about convention can be found by clicking HERE.
Convention 2
Holy Family Deacon Cathy Scott
Convention 3
Holy Family Brotherhood “Senior Brother” Joe Spangler
Convention 4
Holy Family member Ruth Everett and Youth Steering Committee members