Earth Day Holy Hike 2023
On Sunday, April 23rd, The Reverend Cathy Scott led the 2023 Earth Day Holy Hike for Holy Family members. The weather was incredibly cold for a spring day, but a few brave walkers participated despite the cold. For more information about special worship events at Holy Family, please contact the church office.
View more Earth Day photos HERE.
Trivia Night 2023
Thank you to all who attended or supported the first Trivia Night Fundraiser at HFEC! It was a fun night showing off knowledge, enjoying each other’s company, and raising money to support Holy Family’s church, ministries, and mission work. A special thanks to Kelly O, Jolene Johnston, Ben and Bethany Paden, Jon Manuszak, Chris Hamon, and Fr. Bruce Gray for all of the help before, after, and during the event to make sure all went well. It couldn’t happen without you! A special thanks also goes to Joe and Barb Spangler for the donation of a grill that was used as a grand prize in the Lucky Balloon game. Their donation helped to raise an additional $800 for the church! Hopefully everyone had a good time and will join in for a second annual Trivia Night again next year.
For ways to participate in the next Trivia Night, please contact Kelly via the church office.