Bishop Jennifer recently announced that sharing the Blessed Wine at the Holy Eucharist can now include sipping from the chalice. Holy Family will be offering this form of Communion at all Sunday and Holy Week services. Worshippers can continue to receive only the Blessed Bread with no Wine, or to receive the Wine by intinction (dipping the bread in the chalice) rather than a sip, or to skip the Bread and Wine altogether and instead receive a personal blessing from the priest. Simply staying at one’s seat in prayer during Communion is always an option as well. Neither God’s love for us nor the personal experience of it is lessened by how or whether we receive the Holy Eucharist. All are welcome. Feel free to contact Fr. Bruce or any other members of the Holy Family Regathering Team if you have any questions. (Updated March 31, 2022)
*Mobile users may need to turn their devices sideways for the best view.
The Regathering Team consists of Father Bruce Gray, Dr. Doug Tannas, Ruth Everett, Bob Murray, Lorri Batesky, Jolene Johnston, Bethany Paden, and Ben Paden. Questions may be directed to Father Bruce.
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Just because the church building is temporarily closed, it doesn’t mean that Holy Family members can’t BE the church! Tune in to these ways to connect with Holy Family online.
Approved by the Diocese on September 1, 2020
The Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis
Revised Diocesan Reopening Guidelines, latest version October 2020
Revised Diocesan Reopening Guidelines, latest version October 2020
The Episcopal Church COVID-19 Page Presiding Bishop Curry has developed online devotional resources, a message regarding the crisis, and discusses how the Church at large is reacting to COVID-19 with the love of Christ.
IndyDio Virtual Abbey on Facebook presents Morning Prayer each morning (except Sunday) at 8 AM and Compline at 8 PM.
Washington National Cathedral offers daily meditations