Upcoming Events and General Announcements
Sunday School Registration: Please follow this link to register your children and youth for childcare, Sunday school, and other activities this school year. Great news! There is a “shortcut” version that skips having to fill out your address, emergency contacts, etc. for multiple children in one household. Please complete the form fully once for the first child, then select the shortcut version for additional children. https://tinyurl.com/CMYG2024
Holy Family welcomes and encourages parents and other members of the congregation to assist or teach in classrooms for kids. Training and materials are provided. Please reach out to the program directors for more information. Jolene Johnston, PreK-6th grade jjohnston@hfec.org Ruth Everett, 7th-12th grade youthministry@hfec.org
Bible Study : Holy Family’s Bible Study group meets in the conference room on 9 AM each Sunday morning. The topic for this study is the Gospel of Luke. View the lesson schedule HERE. Please direct questions to Stephen and Kristine Canter via the church office. admin@hfec.org
Game Night: The next gathering of Game Night is on Friday, October 4th at 7 PM. Feel free to bring games you are interested in playing. Please contact Fred Naatz through the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org See you there!
Blessing of the Animals: On Sunday, October 6th, Holy Family will celebrate the Feast of St. Francis with a Blessing of the Animals at both worship services. The 10 AM service will take place at the Outdoor Chapel adjacent to the parking lot. This service will be very informal and is a great opportunity to invite new people to try Holy Family. Pets on leashes and in carriers are welcome to be blessed in the sanctuary or outdoor chapel, and the clergy will be happy to bless them in their cars or trailers instead if that is preferred by their human. In the event of rain, blessing of the animals and service will be held in the sanctuary. Please feel free to bring camp chairs, blankets, or beach towels to make your time in the outdoor chapel more comfortable. Holy Family welcomes all creatures great and small!
Book Club: Reading the World book group has a new reading adventure for October. The book is Oye: A Novel, by Melissa Mogollon. The story feels a bit like eaves dropping…the story is written in the form of one-side of phone conversations between a high school student and her college-student sister. The story begins in the midst of a hurricane evacuation in Florida and the problem of Abue (grandma) who refuses to evacuate. The conversations are filled with love and angst, and about growing up gay and Colombian in the southern part of the US. Hearing one side of a conversation means it’s a long road to the whole story…but intriguing! Join the Zoom call on October 9th at 3 PM. Contact Fr. Bruce to connect. bgray@hfec.org
Prayer Group Meeting: Holy Family Prayer Group meets from 6:30 – 7 PM on the second Monday of the month. The next gathering is on October 14th. All are welcome to come and join in prayer. Contact Kristine Canter or the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org
Prayer Shawl Ministry: The Prayer Shawl Ministry is open to anyone who has the skills or desire to knit or crochet. Additional hands are always needed, and teachers are available! Prayer Shawls begin with the shawl maker saying prayers for the recipient. Prayers are continued during the creation of the shawl and shawls are blessed by the priest before they are given as gifts. Meetings are held in the Narthex of Holy Family at 7 PM on the second Monday of the month. The next gathering is on October 14th. Please contact Kristine Canter or the the church office for more information. admin@hfec.org
Support for Kairos Ministry: Holy Family member Stephen Canter will be spending time with inmates at the Pendleton Correctional Industrial Facility (medium security) for the 30th Kairos at this facility program on October 24-27, 2024. This program focuses on sharing God’s love, listening to the inmates, building up their spirits with love, helping them build and maintain a Christian community inside the walls, then successfully reenter the “outside world” after serving their sentences. Here are some ways that you can support this ministry:
- Sign up HERE to pray for Kairos participants. Nearly one hundred fifty 30-minute prayer slots are available so that the entire weekend is bathed in prayer. Be sure to update your time zone before choosing a time to pray.
- Decorate a placemat or poster at church with messages of love and support. Supplies are available during hospitality time.
- Purchase cookies for the event. The team is again using Famous Amous 42 pack cases (available at Sam’s Club, Costco, or BJs) which are approximately $20 a case. At least 90 cases of cookies are needed for the weekend.
- Purchase snacks for the event. As soon as the link is available it will be updated here. Please use the link to be provided or bring approved snacks to church by October 20th.
- Make a financial donation. Each weekend costs about $3,500 to host, and each team member is asked to contribute at least $250. You can write a check to Kairos of Indiana (and get it to Stephen) or put it in the collection plate marked as KAIROS. Kairos is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible. Please email the church office for Stephen’s donation information. admin@hfec.org
- Attend the closing ceremony from 12-3 PM on Sunday, October 27th at the Correctional Industrial Facility in Pendleton. You must be preregistered to attend, so please notify the church office by October 13th. Once the guest list is full no more will be added. Please contact Stephen for details.
Trunk or Treat: Holy Family will hold its annual Trunk or Treat event for children on Friday, October 25th from 6-7:30 PM. Kids (and grownups!) may dress up and walk safely through the parish hall to visit themed displays (created by parish members) while collecting candy and other treats. If you would like to host a themed display, please click below. For more ways that you can support this event, please visit HolyFamilyFishers.org/Halloween or contact Jolene Johnston jjohnston@hfec.org. Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/TrunkorTreatInfo2024
Diocesan Youth Fall Retreat: The theme for the 2024 Diocesan Youth Fall Retreat is RECREATE. As the diocese recreates this beloved retreat after a five-year hiatus, we keep in mind the various creation stories in the Bible where God creates us to be creative people. We will talk about how God created us to be good stewards of the world, take care of one another, use our God-given gifts, and allow faith to transform our lives. Any youth (grades 6-12) across central and southern Indiana are invited to participate in the weekend’s activities at Waycross Camp and Retreat Center, November 22-24, 2024. This is the first diocesan fall retreat since 2019, and the excitement couldn’t be greater!! At the retreat, youth and leaders will have the opportunity to learn more about their faith while doing activities at our diocesan retreat center. For more information and to register, go to https://indydio.org/youth/. Contact Heather Kenison, Diocesan Youth Minister, heather@indydio.org or Ruth Everett, Holy Family Youth Director, youthministry@hfec.org with any questions.
Brain Food – UPDATED LIST! The school year has begun, and that means that friends at Fishers Elementary will need plenty of classroom snacks to keep kids learning at their best. This year the local school district has asked that snacks provided for the classroom be chosen from a specific list in order to provide the best nutrition and to avoid some common food allergens. All items must be individually wrapped, and please avoid peanuts. Thanks so much! Questions can be directed to the SATS team via the office. admin@hfec.org
Here is the approved list – please keep it handy when you shop: Pretzels (Rolled Gold, Pepperidge Farm, Herr’s), Popcorn (Skinny Pop, Smartfood, Utz), Cheez-Its, Teddy Grahams, Veggie Straws, Pepperidge Goldfish Crackers (Plain, cheddar, pretzel), Animal Crackers (Barnum, Austin Zoo), Pirate’s Booty, Nilla Wafers, Raisins and other dried fruits.
Missionaries of Charity Donations: Holy Family is collecting needed items to support women at the Missionaries of Charity shelter in Indianapolis. Items may be placed in the collection basket in the Narthex. The following items are requested: Children’s books (new and gently used), women’s underwear and sleepwear (all sizes, all seasons), toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap bars, and deodorant. Please direct questions to Teresa Conroy-Roth via the church office. admin@hfec.org
Township Food Pantry: The food pantry has asked for the following items: sugar, oil, flour, juice, peanut butter/jelly,
spaghetti sauce, rice, dried beans, canned fruit, crackers, oatmeal, cereal, household cleaners, laundry detergent, bleach, personal hygiene items. This list includes suggestions, but any canned or nonperishable item is gratefully received.