Where Can I Serve?

One of the most important values of this church is our mission to serve as the heart and hands of Jesus. Service begins in our own community, and spreads around the world. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as washing the church linens to preparing meals for those living at a shelter. Time commitments vary from one-time activities to long-term partnerships with specific agencies. Please contact the church office for details about how Holy Family members serve at these locations. admin@hfec.org

Holy Family Support a Teacher & Staff (SATS)

Description: From your hands to a teacher’s heart! Since Autumn 2021, the team at Support a Teacher and Staff (SATS) has been treating all teachers and staff members at Fishers Elementary by providing personal notes and small gifts each month of the school year. There is always space for new team members, new energy, and new ideas…that might mean there’s a place on the team for you!  

Want to help but don’t have time to provide gifts each month? Consider a financial donation to help the team purchase those little gifts, as well as a few larger gifts as requested by teachers and staff members. Or, consider providing bundles of $5 Starbucks Gift-cards or individually wrapped chocolates – two favorites that are provided multiple times each year!
Address: 11445 Fishers Pointe Blvd. Fishers, IN 46037
Email: admin@hfec.org
Contact: Susie Beard & Jessica Largent
Phone: (317) 842-4133

Holy Family Community Garden

Description: In 2011, Holy Family began a community garden that yielded a weekly bounty of vegetables, most of which were donated to the food pantry at Fishers United Methodist Church to distribute to individuals and families in need. We have expanded the garden to 42 plots and opened plots up to the community. The Community Garden aims to provide a gardening opportunity to community members and develop relationships among and with community members beyond the garden.

Address: 11445 Fishers Pointe Blvd. Fishers, IN 46037
Email: holyfamilygarden@gmail.com
Contact: Church office
Phone: (317) 842-4133
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE

Delaware Township Trustee Food Pantry

Description: Holy Family frequently donates paper goods, cleaning supplies and food items to the trustee’s office, which identifies township residents in need.
Address: 9090 E. 131st Street, Fishers, IN 46038
Contact: Church office
Phone: (317) 842-4133

Missionaries of Charity Shelter for Women and Children

Description: The Missionaries of Charity is an order of nuns who operate a home on the Near Eastside of Indianapolis. Holy Family provides a Saturday dinner for the shelter residents on the third Saturday of each month and collects needed clothing and hygiene items.
Address: 2424 East 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN
Website: None
Contact: Teresa Conroy-Roth
Phone: (317) 842-4133
Miracle Place
Description: The Miracle Place provides a safe place and after-school tutoriing for children in the nearby neighborhood, which is largely made up of a Hispanic population. Miracle Place also provides assistance, food, and companionship to the elderly poor in the neighborhood. A great opportunity to provide healthy snacks for the children.
Address: 940 N. Temple Ave, Indianapolis, IN
Contact: Sister Barbara McClelland, SP
Phone: (317) 423-3064

Fishers United Methodist Church “Come To Me” Food Pantry

Description: The Fishers UMC “Come To Me” Food Pantry always seeks canned and paper goods to dispense to area persons in need. Gardeners who tend plots in the Fishers Community Garden located at Holy Family donate hundreds of pounds of fresh produce to the pantry each summer. Since its opening in Oct. 2007, the pantry has distributed more than 1 million pounds of food.
Address: 9690 E 116th St, Fishers, IN 46037
Contact: Linda Williams
Email: lwilliams@fishersumc.org

Dayspring Center Family Shelter

Description: There are ongoing volunteer opportunities at this center that provides emergency shelter, clothing and meals for families in need. Address: 1537 Central Ave., Indianapolis, IN
Contact: Janice Cox, Volunteer Coordinator