Sanctuary cross
Sunday Services
8 AM Rite II Eucharist. Although all are welcome, this service is attended primarily by singles and couples without children. The service is conducted without hymns. A communion circle is a revered feature of this service.
Special Services
Baptism. New members are initiated — both children and adults — into the body of Christ by water and the Holy Spirit. Baptisms are joyous events celebrated with members of the congregation within either Sunday worship service. Holy Family typically conducts baptisms at the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (January), Easter Vigil (March or April), Pentecost Sunday (May or June), and All Saints’ Sunday (November), but other days are also available. For more information, please contact Father Bruce. bgray@hfec.org
Confirmation. Youth who are older than 16 years of age and adults publicly reaffirm the vows they made, or their parents made on their behalf, at baptism. Confirmation follows a program of preparation and a pre-confirmation gathering with the Bishop. For more information, please contact Father Bruce. bgray@hfec.org
Ash Wednesday 12 Noon and 7 PM. Lent begins with services offering the Holy Eucharist and the option of being marked with the sign of the cross in ashes.
Palm Sunday. At the 10 AM service, Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem is commemorated by everyone joining in a procession of singing and the waving of palm leaves, followed by the Holy Eucharist.
Maundy Thursday 7 PM. The Last Supper is remembered with a service that includes Holy Eucharist.