On Sunday, July 1st, Holy Family recognized its 2018 Confirmands with a blessing during the 10 AM worship service. The blessing was given by Holy Family’s rector, the Reverend Bruce W. Gray. Additional information about the sacrament of Confirmation was presented by Holy Family’s Deacon, The Reverend Cathy Scott, and Confirmation teacher, Bob Murray (pictured above).
Following the service, a reception was held in their honor. Each Confirmand was presented with a certificate and Book of Common Prayer signed by The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis. For more information about being Confirmed in, Received in, or Reaffirmed to the Episcopal Church, please contact Father Bruce. bgray@hfec.org
2018 Confirmands (from left to right)::
Sarah Cleaver, Shannon Luce,
Sarah Cleaver, Shannon Luce,
Chris Brown, Eliza Wilson, and Thomas Canter