Ash Wednesday Invitation

Join Us on Ash Wednesday

Epiphany Barbershop Quartet

Holy Family’s “Ragtime Gals” presented “With Wondering Awe” arranged by Joe Johnson during today’s 10 AM worship service. Singers are, from left to right: Marty Blake, Ben Paden, Scott Johnston, and Doug Tannas.


With Wondering Awe – Barbershop Quartet

 Video credit: Ruth Everett

Communiqué from the Primates of the Anglican Communion

As Father Mike discussed in last week’s homily, here are the links to the Communiqué from the Primates of the Anglican Communion and responses from Bishop Cate Waynick and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

(Click each link below.)

Christmas 2015

Children's gospel 2015
Holy Family enjoyed plenty of family time this year. Click each link to view photos from our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services.