Celebration of Ministry: The Reverend Michael Galvin

On Sunday, January 8, 2017 Holy Family celebrated nearly ten years of ministry with the Reverend Michael Galvin. We shared one worship service together at 10 AM and concluded with a special liturgy to end a pastoral relationship. Following the service, we celebrated the entire Galvin family at a reception held in their honor. Additional photos from the celebration are available by clicking HERE.
In an effort to share as much of this special day with family and friends who could not join us, please enjoy the following videos from different portions of the worship service.
The staff and congregation of Holy Family Episcopal Church wish Father Mike, Rachelle, Kelsey, and Abby Galvin all of God’s blessings as they embark on another new journey together. We will miss you terribly!
Christmas 2016

Holy Family celebrated Christmas 2016 with a variety of worship services. Please CLICK HERE to see photos from many of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day events.

Special thanks are extended to “Uncle Joe” Spangler who designed and set up this year’s new treat for Holy Family’s kids (of all ages) – a Christmas train village in the parish hall. Joe was assisted by Doug Tannas.
Advent 2016: Family Program
During Advent this year, Holy Family’s Junior Daughters of the King chapter led a family Advent program on Wednesday evenings. Families took turns supplying a soup supper, and activities were led by Jr. DOK leaders Ruth Everett and Kristine Canter. It was a special way to reflect on the weekly Advent themes and spend time with our church family.
Greening the Church 2016
On Sunday, December 18th, Holy Family held its annual Greening of the Church event. Congregation members join together to decorate the sanctuary and Narthex for the Christmas season. Following the decorating, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew hosts its traditional spaghetti dinner as a thank you for everyone’s hard work. Christmas services will be held at Holy Family throughout the weekend. Please CLICK HERE for more information.