The Steeple Returns

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In late 2014 we became aware that the steeple on the Holy Family sanctuary was leaning and therefore caused a safety concern. Father Mike asked Bryan Luce, Senior Warden at the time, to organize a group to restore the steeple to a safer condition. Bryan completed necessary insurance paperwork and secured funding and vestry approval for the project. With the aid of congregation member and civil engineer, Stephen Hendrickson, it was removed on May 12, 2015.

During the next nine months, Stephen led efforts to straighten, repair, and structurally-reinforce the bell tower so the steeple would no longer sway. He also aided with getting a proper place to store the steeple during the repairs. Aspen Group, our construction partner during the City of God expansion project, provided critical assistance to replace the bell tower roof and drill mounts into the wall foundations for cables to help secure the steeple once it was restored to its original location. Stephen worked with a structural engineer to create a new design for the bell tower to secure the steeple in place and installed cross-braces between the wall framing. He also coordinated the removal and reinstallation of the steeple with help from Mark Keys, City of God project liaison. Dan Chillemi, Holy Family Junior Warden, assisted in a variety of ways during this project.

On February 26, 2016, the steeple was returned to its proper place atop the bell tower. Several financial gifts were donated to the steeple repair and contributed greatly. A donation from ProCLAD, Inc. helped ease the financial burden of equipment expenses. This steeple repair was a true team effort from our holy family. Thanks to all who contributed to the success of this project.

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Left to right: Bryan Luce, Father Mike Galvin, Stephen Hendrickson
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Meals for the PourHouse

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On Saturday, members of our Youth Group and congregation gathered to prepare sack lunches to distribute through the PourHouse. The PourHouse assists individuals experiencing homelessness in overcoming barriers to housing, treatment and healthcare. Through community-style street outreach and a unique peer advocacy approach, they help people define and achieve their goals and reestablish vision for their lives.
Each Wednesday and Sunday evening, 250 sack lunches are distributed downtown on Monument Circle. The Pour House relies on volunteer donations to provide these meals. Members of our youth group and congregation made 250 sandwiches and then packed them in paper bags with fruit, chips, and a dessert. With all the hard work from each volunteer, we were able to prepare and assemble all the lunches in less than and hour. The Youth Group plans to prepare meals for the PourHouse on a regular basis. Please send us an email if you would like to participate.
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Firefighters, Flames, and Forgiveness


This weekend members of our Youth Group gathered to cook and deliver pizzas to firefighters at Station 91 in Fishers. As part of their Lenten lock-in, students wanted to serve those in our community who typically serve others.

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Pizza 2
Upon returning to the church, Deacon Cathy led a spiritual session about forgiveness.
Our new pal, Larry the bear, even took time to reflect with the students.
As part of the meditation, everyone wrote down the name of someone who had been forgiven, needed forgiveness, or had offered them forgiveness. The names were offered up in prayer and firelight.
The evening finished with a pizza dinner and typical lock-in activities. For more information about Holy Family’s Youth Group please contact

Meet Larry

Larry the Bear, named for his home church St. Laurence Cowley in England, came to Holy Family as part of the Friendship Bears project. This project began on the day that the Primates of the Anglican Communion applied sanctions to the Episcopal Church of the USA. The Primates did this because they disagreed with the Episcopal Church’s stand on the full equality of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning people.
Many members of the Episcopal Church of the USA clearly value the Anglican Communion and the historic link with the Church of England. In the Church of England many members value the Episcopal Church for its dynamic commitment to the Gospel and social justice. They couldn’t stand by and see their brothers and sisters hurting, so they began sending out friendship bears.
The members of Holy Family Episcopal church thank St.. Laurence Cowley for their support and for sending Larry.
 Click on THIS LINK to follow Larry’s adventures at Holy Family!

Snacks for Miracle Place

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Students from our Disciples Sunday school class, grades 4-6, gathered recently to learn more about the children’s programs at Miracle Place in Indianapolis. Doing homework, reading, playing games, participating in Cub Scouts, decorating cookies, shooting hoops, and participating  in the fitness  program  provide the  children with  a  safe,  warm  and loving environment.  The  care and  concern of the staff  and  volunteers at Miracle Place give  the children a sense of belonging.  Lessons in politeness,  respect, and self-discipline are emphasized each day.
They gathered in our newly-renovated Narthex space to hear about the program and facilities, a discussion led by Deacon Cathy Scott and parent Susan Stahly. Following the discussion, the students and leaders prepared snacks that will be enjoyed by students who attend the Miracle Place after school program.
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Larry snack
Larry, our new friend from England, stopped by to help pack a few snacks and sign notes to the children.
Disciples class students presented the snacks during the Offertory at Sunday’s 10 AM service and helped bless them before they were delivered to Miracle Place during the week.  More information about outreach projects at Holy Family can be seen by clicking HERE or contacting the church office.

Ash Wednesday 2016

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