Junior DOK: Class of 2016
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On a chilly Monday evening in November, a candlelight service was held for the Mary & Martha Chapter of the Jr. Daughters of the King. This service of preparation for Junior membership takes place before prospective members begin a three-month study and discernment period. During this service, four new candidates promised to be faithful in their study and preparation for membership in The Order.

Zoe Bruns, Sophia Paden, Katlyn Stahly, and Maci Blake and were welcomed and supported by several of the current Junior and Senior Daughters, along with the Jr. DOK co-directresses (Kristine Canter and Ruth Everett) and Fr. Mike, who led the service. For more information about Junior Daughters of the King, please contact our church office. admin@hfec.org

Fall Youth Retreat 2015

Members of Holy Family’s Youth Group participated in the Diocesan Fall Youth Retreat held at the Waycross Camp and Conference Center this weekend. This year’s retreat focused on The Episcopal Church: Past, Present, and Future. Our students were joined by many others from the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis. Members from the Diocesan Bishop Search Committee attended the conference and met with students, parents, and adult leaders to hear their wishes for a new Bishop.

Holy Family’s Youth Group presented a whimsical version of a class Christmas song at the talent show. They will share this presentation with Holy Family’s congregation during our intergenerational Advent program on Sunday, December 6th at 9 AM.
Thanksgiving 2015

Children from our Sunday school classes carried four baskets of donated food forward to be blessed by Father Mike during our 10 AM service this week. Holy Family pairs with the Delaware Township Trustee’s office to support families in need.
Construction Site Tour
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On Sunday, November 15th, Holy Family members were invited to a presentation of the progress of our City of God expansion project to date. Aspen Group members led a question and answer session in the sanctuary and presented some schematics to show the phases of the project.

(From left to right: Terry Brown (Aspen Group), Dona Loftus (Aspen Group), and Mark Keys (Holy Family).
Also present from Aspen Group was Bob Gray.)
Following the discussion, congregation members were invited to tour the construction site and see the progress in person. The first phase of construction is projected to be complete by Christmas. The expansion will continue into early 2016.
More information about our City of God expansion project can be found by clicking HERE.
Acolyte Training 2015

Following the 10 AM service on Sunday, acolyte leader Joe Spangler and Father Mike led a training session for new and returning acolytes. Following the session, everyone was invited to share in a pizza lunch. If you or your child is interested in serving as an acolyte, please contact the church office. admin@hfec.org
Pet Blessing 2015
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Today on a sunny Sunday afternoon, Father Mike blessed many of the pets of Holy Family members and nearby neighbors. This year’s liturgy hosted dogs and cats. Pet blessings are typically held in early October in honor of St. Francis, patron saint of animals and the environment. Several conflicts pushed our event later in the fall.
