Hooked on Jesus
This week in Sunday school our students studied John 21 and the “Fishers of Men” scripture. During our group discussion, everyone put their feet into the center of the circle and got caught in a large fishing net. Participants shared their ideas for how to live their lives as Disciples and share the love of Jesus at school, at work, and at home. One participant even exclaimed, “I’m hooked on Jesus!”
Students created personalized fish bookmarks to take home to use in their bibles and practiced catching fish. Our “Miracles of Jesus” unit continues this fall.
Crop Walk 2015
The skies were beautiful for this year’s CROP WALK in Carmel. Crop Walk raises money to help feed hungry families in Hamilton County and beyond. Members of our Disciples Sunday school class and their parents, led by teacher Rachelle Galvin, enjoyed the weather and fellowship on the walk. Donations can still be made to support our team. Please CLICK HERE to donate.
City of God: Built Upon the Rock
Today our City of God family stones were placed in the foundation for our new building extension. Building a firm foundation has never felt more real! More information about our City of God expansion project can be found by clicking HERE.
Community Block Party
On Saturday, September 26th, Holy Family hosted a Community Block Party. This fellowship event drew in family, friends and neighbors from Fishers and surrounding communities. The event was free for guests and included a variety of bounce houses and inflatable structures, carnival games, and face painting. DJ Frank Smith III sang and provided karaoke to our guests in the early evening, and the band LivingProof closed things down with a rock party. Local food vendors Archer’s Meats, Marco’s Pizza, YATS, and Pure Eatery set up tents and offered budget-friendly meal deals to hungry visitors. Holy Family staffed a welcome booth and gave guided sanctuary tours to those interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church. Special thanks are offered to all who helped make this event such a success. CLICK HERE then scroll to the bottom of the post to see our photo gallery if viewing through our app.
Walking on Water
On Sunday, Holy Family students gathered for our VBS=style Sunday school program. Youth Group members read three different Gospel accounts of Jesus walking on water.
The students worked together to create sidewalk paintings of the chosen scripture using cups of water.
Students also stepped into a tray of water to “walk on water” representing their intent to follow Jesus.
They created water footprints along the cross-shaped path that leads to the front door of Holy Family. Our unit on The Miracles of Jesus continues this fall.
No Power? No Problem!
With the appearance of large construction equipment on the church grounds comes the potential for unexpected changes to our regular routine. This week we were surprised by the total loss of power in the church building but used it as an opportunity to get creative and look for the silver lining in any situation. Our 8 AM service was held using candles in the sanctuary, and our 9 AM Adult Forum group met as usual.
It was a glorious day, so we held our 10 AM service in our newly-created outdoor chapel.
Special thanks are extended to Aspen Group for providing coffee and donuts during our hospitality time.
Sunday School: We’re All in This Together!
Holy Family celebrated its “Back to Church Sunday” with the return of Sunday school programming for children in preschool through high school. Due to the upcoming City of God building project, we decided to engage all children and youth in a VBS-style program that will continue throughout construction. The first unit this fall will present scripture and activities based on the miracles of Jesus. Youth Group students partnered with younger children to assist with many activities.
For this activity, each student directed a blindfolded partner through a course of “life’s obstacles” and found many ways to reach their desired goal. Bible stories described Jesus healing the blind.
Our second activity challenged students to assist their partners in traveling across the room when they didn’t have use of their legs. Our bible story described four men carrying their paralyzed friend to Jesus to be healed. Additional miracles stories will be shared this fall.